Online Encyclopedia of Flowering Shrubs and Trees


plant height:

flowering time:

soil type:

is fragrant:

known to be toxic:

cold resistance:

growth rate:

flower size:

sun exposure:

cold hardiness zone:

  winter shelter:


  soil acidity:

soil moisture:

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Common Rue, Garden Rue, Herb of Grace, Herbygrass

Rowan, Mountain ash
(Sorbus aucuparia)

Ural False Spirea

Red Barked Dogwood, Red Twig Dogwood, Tatarian Dogwood
(Swida alba (Cornus alba))

Common Lilac, French Lilac
(Syringa vulgaris)


Prunus, plum tree

Golden Currant, Redflower Currant, Golden Currant

Fringe Tree, Old Man's Beard, Grancy Graybeard

Japanese Pagoda Tree, Scholar-tree

Spirea, Bridal's Veil, Maybush

Bridal's Veil, Spiraea, Steeplebush

Smooth Sumac
(Rhus glabra)

Bearberry, Kinnikinnick, Manzanita
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Mountain Heather


Witch alder, Fothergilla


Cream Bush, Ocean spray

Bird Cherry, Cherry Plum
(Prunus Padus)

Pearl bush


Scotch Heath, Winter Heath
(Erica )

Apple ornamental

Sibiraea altaiensis
(Sibiraea altaiensis )

Smooth Hydrangea, Wild Hydrangea, Sevenbark
(Hydrangea arborescens)
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garden flowers, grasses, shrubs and trees
garden flowers, grasses, shrubs and trees