Online Encyclopedia of Garden Flowers



sun exposure:


flowering time:

soil type:

is fragrant:


cold resistance:

known to be toxic:

plant height:

type of stalk:

winter shelter:

cold hardiness zone:

soil acidity:

soil moisture:

flower size:

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(Asyneuma )

Five Leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine
(Akebia quinata)

Mask flower

Fly Poison
(Amianthium muscaetoxicum)

Mount Atlas Daisy, Mt. Atlas Daisy, Pellitory, Spanish Chamomile
(Anacyclus depressus)

Anacyclus radiatus
(Anacyclus radiatus)

Yerba Mansa, False Anemone, Lizard Tail
(Anemopsis californica)

False Anemone
(Anemonopsis macrophylla)

Snowcup, Spurred Anoda, Wild Cotton
(Anoda cristata )

Pennants, African Cornflag, Cobra Lily
(Chasmanthe (Antholyza))

Odorous Pig Salad
(Aposeris foetida)

Baboon Flower
(Babiana, Gladiolus strictus, Ixia plicata)


Purple Berkheya
(Berkheya purpurea )

Coral Drops
(Bessera elegans)

(Bomarea )

Calibrachoa, Million Bells
(Calibrachoa )

Rain Lily
(Habranthus )

Oxblood lily, schoolhouse lily
(Rhodophiala )

False Garlic
(Nothoscordum )

Torch Lily, Blood Lily, Paintbrush Lily, Football Lily, Powderpuff Lily, Fireball Lily
(Scadoxus )

Grass Nut, Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket
(Brodiaea laxa, Triteleia laxa)

Bulbine, Bulbinella, Burn Jelly Plant, Stalked Bulbine, Orange Bulbine

Umbrella Plant, Indian Rhubarb
(Peltiphyllum (Darmera))

Angelonia Serena, Summer Snapdragon
(Angelonia angustifolia)

Lamb's Tail
(Chiastophyllum oppositifolia)

Peruvian Daffodil, Perfumed Fairy Lily, Delicate Lily
(Chlidanthus fragrans)
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