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blue gardens in the jule

blue flowers in the jule

Lily of the Nile, African Lily
(Agapanthus africanus )

Floss Flower
(Ageratum houstonianum)

Adenophora, Lady Bells
(Adenophora )

Twining Snapdragon, Creeping Gloxinia

(Asyneuma )

Columbine flabellata, European columbine

(Aconitum )

Ialian Aster

Blue pimpernel
(Anagallis Monellii )

Angelonia Serena, Summer Snapdragon
(Angelonia angustifolia)

Crown Windfower, Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone
(Anemone coronaria)

Italian Bugloss, Italian Alkanet, Summer Forget-Me-Not
(Anchusa )

China Aster
(Callistephus chinensis)

Bacopa (Sutera)

Patience Plant, Balsam, Jewel Weed, Busy Lizzie

Swan River daisy

Bush Violet, Sapphire Flower

Sheep's bit Scabious, Creeping Winter Savory

(Borago offlcinalls)

Australian Bluebell, Tall Bluebell
(Wahlenbergia stricta)

Knapweed, Star Thistle, Cornflower
(Centaurea )

(Verbena )


Longleaf Speedwell
(Veronica longifolia)


Ground Morning Glory, Bush Morning Glory, Silverbush
(Convolvulus )

Blue rock bindweed
(Convolvulus sabatius)

Heliotrope, Cherry pie plant
(Heliotropium )

False Blue Flax
(Heliophila longifolia)

Hardy geranium, Wild Geranium


Sweet Pea
(Lathyrus odoratus)

(Delphinium )

Blue Lace Flower, Rottnest Island Daisy
(Didiscus )

(Iris barbata)

(Hyssopus officinalis )

Calibrachoa, Million Bells
(Calibrachoa )

Carolina Sea Lavender
(Limonium )


Butterfly Pea
(Clitoria ternatea)

Bonnet Bellflower

Blue-Eyed Mary, Chinese Houses

Campanula, Bellflower

Campanula, Italian Bellflower

Campanula, Bellflower

Horned Rampion

Florist's Cineraria
(Pericallis x hybrida)

(Lavandula )

(Isotoma )

Linum perennial

Scarlet Flax, Red Flax, Flowering Flax
(Linum grandiflorum )

Scrambling Gromwell
(Lithospermum )

Edging Lobelia, Annual Lobelia, Trailing Lobelia

Agastache, Hybrid Anise Hyssop, Mexican Mint
(Agastache )

Himalayan blue poppy
(Meconopsis )

Arrowleaf False Pickerelweed
(Monochoria )

Globe thistle

(Tropaeolum )

Water Primrose, Marsh Purslane, Marsh Seedbox
(Myosotis palustris )

Cape Jewels
(Nemesia )

Nemophila, Baby Blue-eyes
(Nemophila )

Shoofly Plant, Apple of Peru
(Nicandra physaloides)

Cup Flower
(Nierembergia )

(Nolana )

(Symphytum )


Painted Tongue

Stout Blue-eyed Grass, Blue eye-grass

Amethyst Sea Holly, Alpine Eryngo, Alpine Sea Holly
(Eryngium )

Jacob's Ladder
(Polemonium caeruleum )

Rose of Heaven
(Viscaria, Silene coeli-rosa)

Cornflower Aster, Stokes Aster

Fairy Fan Flower
(Scaevola aemula)

Clown Flower, Wishbone Flower

Virginia Spiderwort, Lady's Tears
(Tradescantia virginiana )

Morning Glory, Blue Dawn Flower
(Ipomoea )

Californian bluebell, Lacy Phacelia, Blue Curls, Caterpillar, Fiddleneck, Spider Flower, Wild Heliotrope
(Phacelia )

Blue Daisy, Blue Marguerite
(Felicia amelloides)

Viola, Pansy
(Viola wittrockiana)

Horned Pansy, Horned Violet
(Viola cornuta)

Annual Phlox, Drummond's Phlox
(Phlox drummondii)

Garden Phlox
(Phlox paniculata )

Petunia Fortunia
(Petunia x hybrida Fortunia )

Honeysuckle Fuchsia
(Fuchsia )

Crossflower, Purple Mustard, Blue Mustard, Common Bluemustard, Musk Mustard, Beanpodded Mustard, Tenella Mustard
(Chorispora tenella)

Alpine Bluets, Mountain Bluets, Quaker Ladies
(Houstonia )

(Cyananthus )

Hound's Tongue, Gypsyflower, Chinese Forget-Me-Not
(Cynoglossum )

(Nigella damascena)

Balloon Flower, Chinese Bellflower

Silvery Dwarf Harebell

Persian Violet, German Violet
(Exacum affine)

Arctic Forget-me-not, Alpine forget-me-not
(Eritrichium )

Purple Viper's Bugloss, Salvation Jane, Paterson's Curse, Riverina Bluebell
(Echium lycopsis, Echium plantagineum)

blue flowering shrubs and trees in the jule

Chaste Berry, Hemptree, Agnus castus, Abraham's balm, Monk's Pepper
(Vitex agnus-castus)

Common hydrangea, Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea
(Hydrangea hortensis)

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