All garden flowers on letter F
Foxglove (Digitalis)
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use: border, flowerbed colors: white, yellow, pink, lilac, claret more information
Forget-me-not (Myosotis )
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(biennial, perennial)
use: border, flowerbed, potting colors: white, light blue, pink more information
Floating Heart, Water Fringe, Yellow Water Snowflake (Nymphoides )
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use: pond colors: white, yellow more information
False Garlic (Nothoscordum )
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use: border, flowerbed, potting colors: white, yellow more information
Foothill Penstemon, Chaparral Penstemon, Bunchleaf Penstemon (Penstemon x hybr,)
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(annual, perennial)
use: border, flowerbed, potting colors: red, purple, pink, lilac, claret more information
Featherleaf Rodgersia, Rodgers Flower (Rodgersia )
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use: border, single plant, flowerbed, hedgerow colors: white more information
Foxtail Millet (Setaria)
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use: border, single plant, flowerbed, hedgerow colors: green more information
Flowering Rush (Butomus )
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use: pond colors: pink more information
Fairy Fan Flower (Scaevola aemula)
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(annual, perennial)
use: potting, groundcover colors: white, light blue, dark blue, purple, pink, lilac more information
Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana)
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use: border, flowerbed colors: white, red, yellow, purple, pink, lilac, claret more information
False Lupine, Lanceleaf Thermopsis (Thermopsis lanceolata)
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use: border, flowerbed, hedgerow colors: yellow more information
Freesia (Freesia )
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use: border, flowerbed, potting colors: white, red, orange, yellow, pink, lilac more information
Florists Mum, Pot Mum (Chrysanthemum)
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use: border, single plant, flowerbed colors: white, red, orange, yellow, dark blue, pink more information
False Hellebore (Veratrum )
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use: border, single plant, flowerbed colors: white, yellow, green, black, claret more information
Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle (Eremurus )
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use: border, single plant, flowerbed colors: white, orange, yellow, pink more information
Fairy Foxglove (Erinus alpinus)
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use: rock garden, border colors: white, pink, lilac more information
Fawn Lily (Erythronium )
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use: rock garden, border, potting colors: white, yellow, pink, lilac more information
online catalog of ornamental plants: flowers and grasses, shrubs and trees, lawn grass
descriptions and specifications, pictures and photos; flower beds and hedges; seeds, varieties and seedlings
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