green balcony plants
Areca![]() more photo |
plant type: tree leaf form: palmately stalk type: erect location: south balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: moderate height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Asparagus![]() more photo |
plant type: ampelous leaf form: palmately stalk type: spreading location: north balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: 50 - 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: weak soil type: fertile more information |
Aspidistra![]() more photo |
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: oval stalk type: spreading location: north balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: moderate height: 30 - 50 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: weak soil type: fertile more information |
Spleenwort![]() more photo |
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: palmately stalk type: spreading location: north balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: 50 - 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Basil![]() more photo |
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: oval stalk type: spreading location: south balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: annual watering: abundant height: 30 - 50 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Blechnum ![]() more photo |
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: palmately stalk type: spreading location: north balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: 50 - 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Guiana chestnut, Water Chestnut![]() more photo |
Guiana chestnut, Water Chestnut
plant type: tree leaf form: palmately stalk type: erect location: south balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: moderate height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Washingtonia![]() more photo |
plant type: tree leaf form: palmately stalk type: erect location: south balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: rare height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: frost-resistant plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Silver Falls![]() more photo |
Silver Falls
plant type: ampelous leaf form: oval stalk type: creeping location: south balcony, north balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: annual, perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: weak soil type: fertile more information |
Florida Arrowroot![]() more photo |
Florida Arrowroot
plant type: tree leaf form: palmately stalk type: erect location: south balcony, west balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: moderate height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: weak soil type: fertile more information |
Caladium ![]() more photo |
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: oval stalk type: spreading location: north balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: 30 - 50 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: weak soil type: fertile more information |
Fiber-optic grass![]() more photo |
Fiber-optic grass
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: acicular stalk type: spreading location: north balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: lower 30 cm frost resistance: frost-resistant plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Fishtail Palm![]() more photo |
Fishtail Palm
plant type: tree leaf form: tripinnata stalk type: erect location: south balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: moderate height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Castor oil plant ![]() more photo |
Castor oil plant
plant type: herbaceous plant leaf form: tripinnata stalk type: erect location: south balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: annual watering: abundant height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: weak soil type: fertile more information |
Clusia, Balsam Apple![]() more photo |
Clusia, Balsam Apple
plant type: tree leaf form: oval stalk type: erect location: north balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: moderate height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |
Coccoloba, Sea Grape![]() more photo |
Coccoloba, Sea Grape
plant type: tree leaf form: oval stalk type: erect location: north balcony, west balcony, east balcony life: perennial (winters in the room) watering: abundant height: higher 100 cm frost resistance: heat-loving plant wind resistance: enough soil type: fertile more information |